The materials
A central element of the course is to enable the children to develop cultural awareness of aspects of life in German speaking countries as well as creating a love for language learning. The Appendix provides further information and materials such as song texts, flashcards, cultural tips as well as a few explanations on grammar and sounds.
The Appendix provides further information and materials such as song texts, flashcards, explanations on how to use the Whiteboard apps, cultural tips as well as a few explanations on grammar and sounds.
Vocab trainer
Please check out: Exercises have been created for the vocabulary of all Felix & Franzi chapters on
Memrise is an online learning tool which introduces new words or revisits vocabulary learned during lessons. It helps young learners to remember vocab by using flashcards augmented with mnemonics. You can register for free. As an additional encouragement, pupils can even follow their high scores which can be motivating for some of them. These exercises are recommendable for working at home or unsupervised.
Whiteboard apps: We have noticed that the whiteboard apps are not downloaded correctly with the Internet Explorer. Please use Firefox, Safari or Google Chrome instead. In case of any further problems, please contact Manuela Vogelgesang at the Teacher Services Department in London:
Teachers from the UK can order the hand puppets and additional teaching resources in our online shop.
Teachers outside of the UK can order the hand puppets
Link to the Daliono online shop:
Felix und Franzi Tutorial
This clip briefly explains what to expect from the Goethe-Institut London’s primary materials „Deutsch mit Felix & Franzi“. You will find out what the basic concept is, where you can get support for working with the free lesson plans, songs, films, whiteboard apps etc. and how you can order the printed versions of the lesson plans and the hand puppets.
Tutorial Whiteboard Apps for 'Deutsch mit Felix & Franzi'
This tutorial explains how teachers working with the lesson plans 'Deutsch mit Felix & Franzi' can access and use the matching whiteboard apps.
Teacher Services Department
Goethe-Institut London
Tel. +44 20 75964031
Thank you to Buckinghamshire Learning Trust for their support. Buckinghamshire Learning Trust is one of the Goethe-Institut’s partners in this project.