CPD event
Fun ways to teach syntax and grammar

Fun ways to teach grammar and syntax
© Colourbox


Sign up now for our next online seminar for primary teachers on Tuesday, 15 September 2020.

In order to produce simple phrases from the get-go, learners of German need to be familiar with a variety of conjugation patterns, articles and endings, as well as feeling confident with the rules of word order. Knowing the rules and the grammar terminology becomes essential further down the line when students start creating and analysing more complex structures and developing their language further. It is therefore crucial that the teaching of syntax and grammar happens from the very start. In this online seminar we will look at fun and meaningful ways to present and practise grammar and syntax. We will present a variety of cooperative games and whole class activities which can be easily adapted to different groups.

Christiane Guenther has been a lecturer at Swansea University since 2011. She has worked as a teacher and intercultural trainer at the University of Potsdam, as well as at several language institutes in Berlin and at the University of Mississippi, USA. Besides holding an M.A. in German, second language acquisition and TESOL, she holds a CELTA certificate (A). She has been carrying out several upskilling sessions for the Goethe-Institut London aimed at primary teachers with the Goethe-Institut’s K2 scheme of work “Felix and Franzi”.
Please send the form below to

 in order to register for the online seminar.
Registration deadline: 14.09.2020
We will send you confirmation of your attendance after we have received your registration form.
You will receive information about how to join the online seminar ahead of the day.
We hope you can all make it!




United Kingdom

Language: English
Price: Free of charge, registration essential

+44 20 7596 4037 dominique.boeert@goethe.de