Terms and Conditions

Goethe-Institut London Library Terms and Conditions

Our Library is available to everyone
Anyone can visit the Library and use the materials free of charge.
In order to borrow books and audiovisual materials, you require a valid Reader’s Card. You can obtain a Reader’s Card from the Goethe-Institut Library by showing proof of your home address, e.g. driving licence, utilities bill, etc. and paying the membership fee.
12 Month £30
12 Month, concession* £20
GI Language student free
*School pupils, Students, OAPs, Unemployed, Teachers of German and Teaching Assistants

Please note the data protection information for library users, the most recent version of which is available via the OPAC (online library catalogue) and at the library reception desk.
All Library users are responsible for informing the Library of changes to their contact details or the loss of their library cards. 

Borrowing items:

You can borrow up to a maximum of 10 books, 5 CDs and 3 DVDs
Reference works are not available for borrowing.
The loan periods are:
4 weeks for books and CDs (4 extensions possible)
2 weeks for DVDs (4 extensions possible on request)
Extensions can be made in the Online Catalogue.
Overdue items incur a fine of 10p per day, per item. For overdue DVDs there is a charge of 20p per DVD per day.
Notifications, receipts and reminders regarding library loans are sent by email. This agreement with the Goethe-Institut Library can be cancelled at any time by informing the Library staff in writing.
It is possible to reserve items, which are out on loan.
Library members are responsible for taking care of the items they borrow. If items are lost or damaged while being borrowed, the library member is responsible for providing suitable compensation to the Library. Depending on the type of loss or damage to materials sustained, the Library will determine the amount and type of compensation due. A flat fee of £15 will be charged for items which are lost and cannot be replaced because they are out of print/no longer available.
Instructions relating to the use of the online eLibrary can be found on the website.

Opening Hours:

Mo-Fri:  9am-8:30pm
Sat:       9am-5pm

Service Hours:

Mo-Thu: 1pm-6:30pm
Every 2nd Saturday of the month: 1pm-5pm
Telephone: 020 7596 4040
Email: library-london@goethe.de
Online: www.goethe.de/london

Additional Services:

The Library’s photocopier can be used to make copies of Library materials at a cost of 10p per A4 copy and 20p per A3 copy. Colour copies are available at 50p per A4 copy and £1 per A3 copy.

Code of conduct in the Library :

The House Rules of the Goethe-Institut London apply to the Library.
Instructions from the Library’s staff must be followed.
All Library users should behave with due care and consideration towards other visitors of the Library.
Personal laptops and other mobile electronic devices can be used, but headphones must be worn to prevent noise disturbing other Library visitors.

Please kindly refrain from making online or telephone calls, as these are disturbing for other library users.

Lockers should be used to store bags, rucksacks, etc. while using the Library.
Non-alcoholic drinks can be consumed in the Library.
Smoking and eating in the Library are forbidden.

The Library is not liable for personal items lost on its premises. 

The Library reserves the right to exclude individuals who violate the House Rules or Library Procedures from using the Library.
The Library reserves the right to amend the Procedures at any time. Any changes will be publicised via the Library’s web pages on the website of the Goethe-Institut London.

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