Online Podcasting Project
Sag’s Mir

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© Goethe-Institut London

​The Friends of the Goethe-Institut London are committed to ensuring that the next generation of linguists continue to access positive experiences of Germany and culture, in spite of the Covid-19 pandemic. To adapt to these challenges, a new digital podcasting project has been developed, with a view to allowing participants to experience first-hand the professional benefits of speaking German within an immersive, online context, creating a collaborative network of young German learners, aged 16-18.

Working on the Podcasting Project 2020 The podcast Sag’s mir is the podcast run by German learners, for German learners, aged 16-18, and is coordinated by the Goethe-Institut London and its project partners. The project allows young German learners to come together for a week of training in everything podcasting: from script-writing to interviewing and voice-over. The project gives insight into the project work of the Goethe-Institut London, and allows participants to gain new skills and experience of working in a German-language environment.

In the words of our student marketing team, Sag’s Mir “covers a variety of topics, from politics to culture, to music and STEM. Each episode, produced by German learners, includes insightful interviews with area-specific experts. We aim to bring German into conversations outside the classroom in order to further develop individual communication skills and broaden overall awareness of the German-speaking and wider world. Allowing both listeners and interviewers to expand their German together, the podcast is well suited to anyone interested in immersing themselves in the German language”.

Listen here


“The podcasting project has been one of the best weeks of my life. It has strengthened my love for German and my desire to study it at university. I learnt so much and my confidence in speaking German has definitely improved, especially in subjects that I didn’t feel as confident in. Our new German podcast, “Sag’s Mir" allowed me to meet and interview such amazing guests, who all had a variety of different experiences and stories to tell. It was really inspiring and I’ve learnt a lot from everyone who I’ve got to meet.         

I got to make really good friends with a lot of people, and hopefully we can all meet in person in the future” – A participant, October 2020

