
Free Film Screening for Schools

Goethe-Institut London

The Into Film Festival is a free and annual celebration of film and education for schools and young people across the UK.

The Festival, formerly known as the National Youth Film Festival, takes place between 9th November – 25th November 2016. It aims to help educators bring learning to life for 5-19 year olds by inspiring young people to watch, make and understand film in new and creative ways.

As part of the festival nationwide screenings of German films will be offered.

When new-to-Berlin Victoria meets flirtatious Sonne and his mates on a night out clubbing, she is persuaded to stay out for one more drink and see the sun rise over the city from one of their favourite hangouts. Victoria finds herself increasingly attracted to Sonne, and despite needing to leave for work as the morning creeps up she agrees to help him when trouble unexpectedly arises. Suddenly in over her head with the situation unfolding rapidly, the consequences of Victoria’s spur-of-the-moment decisions mount up. Shot in just a single take, this is a pacy and breathtaking thriller set to an atmospheric score by composer Nils Frahm.

Tough the event is free of charge, booking is essential. You can register for this event on the Into Film webpage here.

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Goethe-Institut London

50 Princes Gate
Exhibition Road
United Kingdom

Language: German, English and Spanish with English subtitles
Price: Free of charge, booking essential

+44 330 3137600
Part of series Into Film Festival