This Little Art: Translators on Their Work

Katherine Mendelsohn
Photo: Toby Stevens

Introduced by drama translator and dramaturg Katherine Mendelsohn.

Goethe-Institut Glasgow

Join us for the first instalment of this semester's Translator's Stammtisch which will be introduced by Katherine Mendelsohn.

Katherine - who works independently as a drama translator and dramaturg - will be sharing a short conversation about her work as a translator of plays for UK stages. She will talk about her other work in theatre as a dramaturg, from the Traverse Theatre in Edinburgh (as a commissioning Literary Manager and dramaturg), the Royal Shakespeare Company and the Schaubühne, and the journey into translating dramas.

If you are interested in attending one or all the meetings, please sign up on our Eventbrite page, and join our Facebook group for more discussion.

Contact: Rebecca DeWald via

Back to the events series for further information.


Goethe-Institut Glasgow

3 Park Circus
G3 6AX
United Kingdom

Price: Free Admission

+44 141 332 2555