Online discussion on water accessibility

Bild Above Water
© Rousslan Dion, Bonne Pioche Cinéma, 2021


On occasion of COP 26, we would like to invite you to an online discussion on 12 November about the access to water in the context of climate change. This talk will be followed by the online screening of the very engaging French movie Above Water directed by Aïssa Maïga.

Online discussion with Dr Karin Helwig (professor at the Glasgow Caledonian University), Anne-Marie Melster (co-founder and director of ARTPORT project) and Lamya Essemlali (Sea Shepherd France and Campaign), hosted by Anja Murray (EcoEye).

Dr Karin Helwig has been involved in research in the field of pharmaceutical pollution in the aquatic environment for the past eight years. She is currently working on the Newton-funded WEMSI Project on prioritising micropollutants in Brazil. Previously, she worked on the EU noPILLS project, investigating strategies for the reduction of pharmaceutical inputs into the sewer and surface waters, and the PILLS Project, which focused on hospital effluents as point sources of pharmaceutical pollution. Her key interests in this area are catchment analysis, predictive approaches for risk assessment and environmental stewardship.

As an international curator and art critic, Anne-Marie Melster has made a name for herself in the field of art and climate change through numerous interdisciplinary art projects with ARTPORT_making waves. Since 2006 she has collaborated with internationally renowned artists (Olafur Eliasson, Tino Sehgal, Barthélémy Toguo, etc.), institutions (United Nations, Pro Helvetia, Embassy of Switzerland in Paris, Grand Palais Paris, IUCN, Kunstmuseum Bonn, etc.) and companies, to raise awareness about climate change through the arts. She has created art programs for various climate conferences, as well as for the COP23 in Bonn in 2017. Each of these programs involves entire cities in various locations to address civil society as well as the delegates, thereby contributing to social change. Last but not least, she is one of the curatorial pioneers at the interface of art and climate change

Lamya Essemlali has a Master’s degree in Environmental Sciences and an Associate’s degree in Business Communications. She is President of Sea Shepherd France and Campaign Coordinator for Sea Shepherd Global. She has led several campaigns for Sea Shepherd Global in the Mediterranean Sea, the Faroe Islands and West Africa to defend bluefin tuna and pilot whales and to organize anti-poaching patrols in partnership with the government of Senegal. Lamya’s family is originally from Morocco, but she was born and grew up in France.

Anja Murray is an environmental policy analyst and ecologist. She has long been an environmental advocate and has been active in highlighting the importance of protecting our natual environment, wildlife and ecosystems. She has worked with An Taisceas a natural environment officer on European and Irish environmental policy and as land use and habitats policy officer at birdwatch Ireland. She is a member of the Irish Environmental Network and the Irish Wildlife Trust. She is also a regular presenter on the Irish National Broadcaster RTE’s environmental programmes “Eco Eye” and “Nature File”.

Please book to attend the discussion

In partnership with Goethe-Institut Dublin and Glasgow, the Alliance Française Dublin, the Alliance Française Glasgow, the Institut Français Ecosse and the Climate Crisis Film Festival.



Language: English
Price: Free entry

Part of series Goethe on Demand Film Talks