Film + Q&A
Winter Ade

old family photo
© DEFA Stiftung, Thomas Plenert


Portraits from an Other Germany Programme 3 

Im Anschluss an die Vorführung gibt es ein Q&A mit Helke Misselwitz über Zoom.

"At the age of forty I again leave the town of my childhood in order to discover how others have lived, how they would like to live. On the journey we will talk with each other, meeting at work or at home, by arrangement and also by chance. Sometimes we will only look at them—women and girls of this land."

Travelling from her hometown near Zwickau in the south to the northern coast, Misselwitz journeys through East Germany by train, encountering a broad range of women along the way. From two young runaways, to a couple celebrating their diamond wedding anniversary, to a woman who runs a children’s home, we encounter people from all walks of life sharing intimate confessions about their struggles, hopes, and desires. Featuring beautiful black and white photography from cinematographer Thomas Plenert, this award winning documentary caused a sensation upon its release, and is often considered to be Misselwitz’s most significant film. 

"Over and above the almost sensational signal it sent at the time, Winter Adé continues to be an artistically important and aesthetically coherent film, in which the interaction between directing, cinematography and editing yields a composition that one could almost call choreographic. But above all it is the accuracy and tenderness of its observations that make the film stand out in late DEFA film history." Claus Löser, 2009 Berlinale, Winter Adé – Filmische Vorboten der Wende. 

After Winter Comes Spring (Winter Adé) 
GDR, 1988, b/w, DCP, 116 mins, German with English subtitles. 
Director: Helke Misselwitz, Script: Gudrun (Steinbrück) Plenert, Helke Misselwitz, Editor: Gudrun (Steinbrück) Plenert, Camera: Thomas Plenert, Music: Mario Peters.




The Mall
St. James's

+44 20 79303647
Part of series Portraits from an Other Germany