Film screening and Q&A
Rescue the Fire and Q&A with Jasco Viefhues

Cropped section of Jürgen Baldiga Selbstportrait im Spiegel 1992
© Schwules Museum Berlin - on loan from Aron Neubert, 2023

Goethe-Institut Glasgow

We are delighted that director Jasco Viefhues will be present for a Q&A after the screening of the documentary Rescue the Fire (Rettet das Feuer), hosted by Dr Cole Collins from the Edinburgh College of Art.

Germany 2018/19 | Director: Jasco Viefhues | Duration: 82 min. | in German with English subtitles | FSK rating (DE): from 12 years

In the early 1990s, the AIDS epidemic reached its tragic peak. The Berlin photographer and artist Jürgen Baldiga was directly affected: while he himself was fighting the HIV virus, he had to watch entire circles of friends disappear. To prevent their stories from being lost with the people, Baldiga became a chronicler of his time: he recorded the people and events of his environment in countless pictures - until his death in 1993. 25 years later, director Jasco Viefhues met Baldiga's companions and combined the conversations with a wealth of photos and archive material, some of which has never been seen before. The result is a portrait of an idiosyncratic artist, and at the same time a documentary about the AIDS crisis and life in the gay scene in West Berlin at the time.

About Jasco Viefhues
Born in Offenbach, Germany, in 1980, Jasco Viefhues studied at the renowned Film Academy Berlin (Deutsche Film- und Fernsehakademie Berlin, dffb), where he focused on directing. He was a fellowship holder at the Rosa Luxemburg Foundation from 2008 until 2012. His film, Capernaum, was nominated for the German Short Film Award in 2010. In 2014, Internal Body Shots (part of the Fucking Different XXY compilation) was premiered in the Panorama section of the 64th Berlinale. His first feature length documentary Rettet das Feuer (Rescue the Fire) had its premiere at the 2019 Munich Film-festival. His work is currently focused on racial politics in film and theatre, queer history, heritage and ancestry. Viefhues works as a dramaturg and director in Berlin and Dortmund.

About Dr Cole Collins
Cole Collins (he/him) works on queer, feminist and working-class German art, artistic movements, activism and politics. He is currently working on an exhibition of queer collage and another on the photography of Jürgen Baldiga. Cole is also the co-convenor and co-founder of the Collage Research Network and serves as an editor to the Kurt Schwitters Society Journal.

The event is in collaboration with and supported by Edinburgh College of Art, The University of Edinburgh and the Research Forum for German Visual Cultures.

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Goethe-Institut Glasgow

3 Park Circus
G3 6AX
United Kingdom

Language: The film will be in German with English subtitles, the Q&A in English.
Price: Free Admission!