Book Launch
Ulrike Ottinger - Film, Art and the Ethnographic Imagination

Cover of the Book Ulrike Ottinger - Film, Art and the Ethnographic Imagination
© Intellect Books / Ulrike Ottinger

Book Launch

Goethe-Institut London

Please join us of an evening of short talks and longer conversations over a glass of wine to celebrate the publication of a new book on Ulrike Ottinger. We'll be hearing from the editor Angela McRobbie and some of the contributors, and, we are pleased to announce, from Ulrike Ottinger herself.

Ulrike Ottinger - Film, Art and the Ethnographic Imagination will be the first English language scholarly collection of articles on the leading Berlin based German artist and film-maker Ulrike Ottinger. Richly illustrated, the book comprises articles engaging with the full range of the works, from the early Berlin feature films of the 1970s and 1980s to the ethnographic documentaries also including the art exhibitions, photography shows, installations, and artist books. The book brings together feminist film theorists with art historians and cultural theorists, each with a distinctive and detailed perspective on the queer fabulist genres. Complementing the articles are a number of interviews with some of Ottinger's collaborators.

Full Details: Ulrike Ottinger - Film, Art and the Ethnographic Imagination, edited by Angela McRobbie. Bristol, Chicago 2024. Available from 24 June 2024.

To mark Ulrike Ottinger's 80th birthday in 2022 and the progress of the book project, we invited her to be in conversation with film scholar Mandy Merck. Find a recording of this event here.

Angela McRobbie is Fellow of the British Academy and Professor Emeritus at Goldsmiths University of London. McRobbie is editor of and contributor to Ulrike Ottinger: Film, Art and the Ethnographic Imagination published by Intellect in 2024. Her most recent books in sociology and feminist cultural studies are Fashion as Creative Economy (With Dan Strutt and Carolina Bandinelli, (Polity, November 2022)), Feminism and the Politics of Resilience (Polity 2020) and Be Creative (Polity 2016). She lives in London and Berlin.


Goethe-Institut London

50 Princes Gate
Exhibition Road
SW7 2PH London

Price: The event is free but booking is essential

+44 20 75964000
Part of series Ulrike Ottinger - A Short Visit to London