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“Yoyo and the World’s Coolest T-shirt” Comic Book Reading© Redress

13F, Classroom Freiburg
“Yoyo and the World’s Coolest T-shirt” Comic Book Reading

The book follows Yoyo, an ordinary school girl who gains superpowers when she wears her favourite T-shirt. However, eventually her shirt becomes too small and Mum decides the shirt must go… in the bin! But Yoyo, her brother and friends decide to save Yoyo’s cherished shirt and Yoyo finds that her superpowers grow when she gives her old shirt a new life!

Date: 31.07.2022
Time: 1) 16:00 – 17:00
Venue: CLassroom Freiburg, 13F Goethe-Institut Hongkong
Admission Fee: HK$80/Head (hk$60 for goethe-institut hongkong's current students)
The reading is mainly in Cantonese.
Maximum number of participants: 14.
Children aged 12 or above and adults are welcome to join. Participants have to bring a favourite T-shirt of theirs that can be upcycled.

Registration via ART-MATE

Partner: Redress

© Redress

Redress is an environmental charity with a mission to prevent and transform textile waste to catalyse a circular economy and reduce fashion's water, chemical and carbon footprints. Our programmes work to change mindsets and practices to stop the creation of textile waste now and in the future, as well as creating systems and partnerships that generate and showcase value in existing waste.


