PASCH Scholarship
For Teenagers


PASCH Youth Camp 2024

For the PASCH youth courses in 2024, around 900 PASCH students from all over the world are again invited to Germany in person. At 10 course locations from St. Peter-Ording in the far north to Benediktbeuern in the far south, the scholarship holders practice German together for three weeks, work on projects and get to know the country and its people.

Scholarship Application 2024

In Hong Kong, the application for the PASCH scholarship takes the form of a video competition. This provides students with an opportunity to showcase their enthusiasm towards learning German, motivation of participating the summer camp, as well as expressing their thoughts on certain cultural topics. 

Given the intense competition for the scholarship, we strongly advise you to thoroughly observe the selection criteria and requirements before you start creating your video.

Shortlisted videos from Hong Kong

St. Margaret's | 2024
Stacy Ho

Stacey Ho Stacey Ho © PASCH


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