
Goethes Buchklub © © Goethe-Institut Hongkong Goethes Buchklub © Goethe-Institut Hongkong

Would you like to learn more about German literature? Do you want to learn more about German books that are interesting to read and not too difficult linguistically? Would you like to read the same book together with other people so as to double the fun?

Yes? Then join us at the Buchspazier Club! At the Buchspazier Club, we meet once a month to "walk" (= get to know) a new book in the first part, and then discuss a book we've already read together in the second part, just like in a book club. You can participate in both parts or just one - it's all your choice! You can also leave your comments here and discuss with others on this online platform.

Our experienced teacher, Eva Wiegandt, who is also a literature lover, will lead the book club and give us tips on German literature.

Date: The last Saturday of each month
Time: 14:00 - 15:30
Free admission. Participants should have German language level B2 or above.
Registration should be made at least 2 days ahead of the event at library-hongkong@goethe.de
Gut gegen Nordwind ©Hanser, Leonard Hilzensauer, Paul Zsolnay Verlag

Gut gegen Nordwind

We will return to the library for our fifth meet-up! This time we will learn about the book Gut gegen Nordwind by Daniel Glattauer.

Buchspazier-Club March 2022 © Goethe-Institut Hongkong

Der Buchspazierer

Bei unserem vierten Treffen sprechen wir über das Buch "Der Buchspazierer" von dem Autor Carsten Sebastian Henn.

Der Elefant Bild © Diogenes Verlag

Der Elefant

At our third meet-up you'll get to know the book "Der Elefant" by Martin Suter.

Zwei Handvoll Leben teaser bild © droemer

Zwei Handvoll Leben

At our second meet-up you'll get to know the book "Zwei Handvoll Leben" by Katharina Fuchs.

An Inventory of Losses © Judith Schalansky

An Inventory of Losses/ Die Berlinreise

At our first meet-up you'll get to know the book An Inventory of Losses by Judith Schalansky. In the second part we'll talk about the book: Die Berlinreise by Hanns-Josef Ortheil.
