Goethe Gallery:
Zeitgeist Hong Kong

   © Goethe-Institut Hongkong

Today's Spirit Through Art

Open Call for Proposals
Deadline: 31.10.2024

Concept of Zeitgeist

The term "zeitgeist" reflects the social and political characteristics of a certain period of time and encompasses ideas and rituals, values, behaviour, (emotional) attitudes and sensitivities. As a German loanword, the term has been adopted into numerous languages. 

Zeitgeist Hong Kong: Today's Spirit Through Art
Goethe-Institut Hongkong would like to build on the idea of the "zeitgeist" and create a space for projects by Hong Kong artists and cultural initiatives in its 143m² gallery and 47m² black box, in which the questions and sensitivities of the time can be addressed.

The main target groups are independent artists, artistic initiatives and collectives. A particular focus is on projects that artistically address current issues in Hong Kong and/ or global issues and that centre on collaborative learning in artistic practice, participation and active exchange.

Goethe Gallery and Black Box Studio
The Goethe Gallery and the Black Box Studio, both located on the 14th floor of the Hong Kong Arts Centre, always bring new sights to visitors. With its unique triangular shape, the Goethe Gallery forms an interesting art space for exhibitions, while the Black Box Studio offers a superb environment for media art works, performing arts workshops and artist talks. 

We present on average eight to ten exhibitions a year, including solo and group works ranging from photography to painting to video art to mixed media installation.

Open Call Submission Conditions

"Zeitgeist Hong Kong" is open to all genres and interdisciplinary projects, primarily exhibitions.

The condition in each proposal is: it must contain an element of sharing and collective learning, an active involvement of the audience. The exhibition must reflect the "Zeitgeist" of Hong Kong.

Please send your proposal as a pdf to Alice.Ho@goethe.de with ZEITGEIST in the subject line.

The proposal should include:
- A brief description of the exhibition (artist statement), max 180 words in English
- Artist biography, max 150 words in English
- 2 to 3 images of the artworks for reference, if available
- Website and/ or public social media of the artist for reference of artworks
- The desired time period for the exhibition in your proposal

The Goethe-Institut Offers

Selected exhibition will be presented by Goethe-Institut Hongkong. Duration of the exhibition is up to 6 weeks, including setup and dismantling.

For each exhibition, a production budget up to a maximum of HK$8,000 is provided, as well as a fee for a guest speaker, budget for printed publicity materials and the wall text. An opening reception for the exhibition is possible.

Deadline: 31.10.2024


A total of 6 projects will be selected for the Goethe Gallery according to the above criteria. The duration of the event is flexible and can be up to a maximum of 6 weeks, e.g. for exhibitions. However, performances, concerts or participative formats are also possible.

3 projects will be selected via an open call. A jury of 3 Hong Kong curators and artists together with the Goethe-Institut Hongkong will select 3 projects from the submissions. For the other 3 projects, the members of the jury will receive carte blanche and each will propose a project for the gallery, which will then be realised.

Jury members of "Goethe Gallery: Zeitgeist Hong Kong 2025":

Kalen Lee, Associate Professor, AVA, Hong Kong Baptist University
KY Wong, Independent Curator
Yim Sui Fong, Co-founder & Artistic Director, Rooftop Institute

Floor Plan, Technical Equipment, Photos

Goethe-Gallery: 143 m² | Black Box Studio: 47 m²

  •    © Goethe-Institut Hongkong

  •  © Goethe-Institut Hongkong

  •  © Goethe-Institut Hongkong

  •  © Goethe-Institut Hongkong

  •  © Goethe-Institut Hongkong

  •  © Goethe-Institut Hongkong

  •  © Goethe-Institut Hongkong

  •  © Goethe-Institut Hongkong

  •  © Goethe-Institut Hongkong

  •  © Goethe-Institut Hongkong

  •  © Goethe-Institut Hongkong

  •  © Goethe-Institut Hongkong

  •  © Goethe-Institut Hongkong


Alice Ho
Programme Coordinator, Goethe-Institut Hongkong
