Interaction in Face-to-Face Teaching
Sunday, 21 May 2023

Unterricht-Fortbildung © Goethe-Institut Hongkong Unterricht-Fortbildung Goethe-Institut Hongkong

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The seminar "Interaction in face-to-face teaching" offers teachers different methods and ideas to make teaching more interactive and to support learners' learning processes. Both analogue and digital tools are considered to create an effective and supportive learning environment where learners can explore, engage and interact with content.

Particular attention will be paid to how these ideas can be used in a meaningful way and how they can be adapted to the individual needs of the learning groups. Ways of promoting group dynamics and expanding communication skills will also be shown. The seminar thus offers a good opportunity for teachers to expand their teaching methods and make their own lessons even more exciting.

In June, there will be a two-hour online workshop with the speaker and other German teachers from China, Mongolia, South Korea and Taiwan. In this workshop, participants can present their experiences from their own teaching practice and exchange helpful tips with their colleagues.

All participants will receive an official certificate of participation from the Goethe-Institut Hongkong.
All German teachers from official educational institutions (schools and universities) can participate.


Bernadett Veress comes from a practical background, is a DaF teacher and Germanist and has many years of teaching experience with children, young people and adults. She has been working internationally as a teacher trainer for the Goethe-Institut and other educational institutions for over 20 years, and designs and conducts seminars and (live-online) workshops on methodology and didactics (on various DaF, FüDaF, (soft)CLIL topics) for teachers of all school levels. She also often moderates interactive (live-online) events for students and plans projects and summer camps with and for students.

She is a certified examiner and co-author of various Goethe-Institut materials and is also active in the field of coaching teaching staff.

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