Pieces of Two Cities – Discovering Berliners and Hongkongers through the Lens

Pieces of Two Cities
©Nicolas Petit/ Florian Reischauer

Accompanying program to "The German Photo Book Prize 19/20"

Black Box Studio

If buildings, streets and infrastructure are the flesh and blood of a city, then the soul of a city is no doubt its inhabitants. As an accompanying program to the exhibition The German Photo Book Prize 2019-2020, we are pleased to invite two photographers, who have dedicated their works for years to the souls of Berlin and Hong Kong, to exchange their ideas and experiences at the talk Pieces of Two Cities – Discovering Berliners and Hongkongers through the Lens
Guest speakers:
Florian Reischauer
Born in Austria, lives and works as a photographer in Berlin since 2007. His project “Pieces of Berlin” tells stories about the world’s most marvelous city and its inhabitants. It attempts to lay out and capture a profile of Berlin’s everyday life in its entirety by way of approaching random people on the street. Online since 2009, “Pieces of Berlin” documents both the current bustle and the constant change of the metropolis. His volume "Pieces of Berlin 2014 - 2018" was awarded the German Photo Book Prize in silver in the category Self-Publishing. Florian Reischauer wil take part in the conversation online.
Nicolas Petit
Born in Brussels, lives and works as a freelance photographer in Hong Kong since 2014. Since 2015, Petit have been documenting everyday life in Hong Kong through its people. The “Hongkongers Project” aims to go beyond Hong Kong’s skyline and tell a contemporary tale of the city through its people. Petit’s works have been published in various magazines, exhibited in Hong Kong and featured online by a range of street photography collective or competition.
Jacqueline Leung
is a writer and translator from Hong Kong. She is an editor-at-large for Asymptote and was previously the assistant manager of the Hong Kong International Literary Festival. Her work has appeared in ArtAsiaPacific, the Asian Review of Books, and other publications. She is a graduate of University College London and the University of Hong Kong in literary studies.



Black Box Studio

14/F Hong Kong Arts Centre
2 Harbour Road
China (Hong Kong SAR, PRC)

Language: English
Price: Free admission

+852 2829 9917

Please register on or before 09.07.2020 at