Game Kitchen: Female Protagonist

Game Kitchen 3. Sitzung Bild
© Mario Bobbio

#Gtopia: Game Kitchen


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What’s your favorite game genre? Adventure, strategy, simulation, or action? Did you know that in recent years, there is a newly established genre or subgenre called “female protagonist”. A female protagonist game not only features female player characters, but also represents these characters in a realistic and in-depth manner. 

For a long time, video games have been known for its misogynist culture, be it objectification of female characters, or hate speech towards female players. Although female players already make up half of the whole population, the gender inequality still permeates inside the industry and gamer culture. 

Be the change you want to see in the world. To live in a game world where more and more females can be protagonists either as players or makers, we need to build one together. Game Kitchen dedicates every third Thursday afternoon and evening to female game makers and designers both in and outside of Hong Kong, and welcomes you to come and play, to connect with each other, and if you want, make or write a game of your own.

On February 17th, Game Kitchen will have its first mentor Jooyoung Oh. Oh is a media artist who uses interactive technologies such as games to ask questions about the limitations of science and technology. Oh has made several games, from simulating the mental condition of Alzheimer patients to saving lab rats. She is constantly exploring how to send meaningful messages in a playful way to game players and society at large, or as she coins it: lightly attract the players with a heavy medium (that is game).

In view of the new regulations of social distancing in Hong Kong, Game Kitchen will be opened on Zoom. We will be playing Oh’s game as a form of learning, as well as casually chat around the topics around game, women or anything that interest us along the line. Oh will join virtually, sharing her perspectives and strategies on game design, and teaching us an easy-to-use engine Construct2.


Jooyoung Oh is a media artist who uses interactive technologies such as games and artificial intelligence chatbots. she has developed her work under two interdisciplinary backgrounds: visual design and engineering. She is interested in the process of human visual perception and studies the simulation of artificial cognitive models, while at the same time constantly asking questions about the limitations of science and technology from her perspective as artist.


Language: English
Price: Free admission

852 2802 0088