Art Chat

Art Chat 2.Round

2.Round: Who is Bertolt Brecht?

Goethe-Institut Hongkong Library

Goethe-Institut Hongkong has been working closely with various independent bookshops in the recent years. By hosting cultural events inside the Goethe-Institut as well as at the bookshops located in different parts of Hong Kong, we hope to reach out a broader community. Starting in March, we have been collaborating with Bookorner and Mi Spacium Culture, two local cultural units promoting arts and literature, in hosting a series of “Art Chat” at the Goethe-Library.

Admission fee will be charged for this series of event, in order to support local independent cultural units.

Art Chat: 2. Round. Who was Bertolt Brecht?

Bertolt Brecht (1989-1956) is a well-known German playwright and theatre practitioner, also the founder of the theatre company Berliner Ensemble. After World War I, many theatre practitioners in Germany were looking for a new direction. Many of them wanted to use theatre as a tool to bring social changes. Bertolt Brecht was one of the most important playwrights at that time, and with his introduction of “Epic Theatre” and the theory “Distancing effect”, the theatre world in Germany was perpetually changed.
For the second round of “Art Chat”, Dr. Lo Wai-luk, an important scholar from Hong Kong who has been studying Betrolt Brecht, about this well-known German playwright on 21st April (Friday).

Date: 21.04.2023 (Fri)
Time: 19:30 - 21:00
Venue: Library, Goethe-Institut Hongkong
Guest speaker: Dr. Lo Wai-luk
Moderator: Toby Lai @ Mi Spacium Culture

Language: Cantonese
Admission fee: HK$100

About the Guest Speaker:
Dr. Lo Wai-luk © Dr. Lo Wai-luk Dr. Lo Wai-luk   Dr. Lo Wai-luk
Dr Lo was an Associate Professor, Academy of Film in Baptist University. He is currently the Adjunct Professor of School of Humanities and Social Science in The Hang Seng University of Hong Kong, and Chairman of the Arts Criticism Panel in Hong Kong Arts Development Council. He has rich experience in teaching drama and film. He is also a renowned practitioner of dramatic arts, cinema and television as well as an advocate of creative writing. He has worked as a producer for radio and television programmes and is active as a radio programme host.

About the Moderator: 

Toby Lai Kai King  © Toby Lai Kai King Toby Lai Kai King Toby Lai Kai King
Toby Lai is the founder of Mi Spacium Culture and Mi Spacium Design Studio, founder and executive director of Mediators Rock. He obtained a master degree (Dean’s List) in Cultural Management at the Chinese University of Hong Kong and a bachelor degree of Criminal Justice at the University of Hong Kong. He has over 10 years’ experience in performing venues management. In 2019, he participated in The Prague Quadrennial of Performance Design and Space (PQ Studio: Common Design Project) and was invited to present his work in Prague. He is enthusiastic in theatre and has participated in various stage productions.  His script was selected for the “16th Play-writing Scheme” presented by Prospects Theatre in 2021. He is currently the Honorary Secretary of the Alumni Association of MA in Cultural Management at CUHK.




Goethe-Institut Hongkong Library

14/F Hong Kong Arts Centre
2 Harbour Road
Wan Chai

Language: Cantonese
Price: HK$100

2829 9920