Digital Discourses 2022
The Future of Smart Cities

Smart Cities use data and digital technology to bring solutions to urban challenges. The integration of information technologies into existing infrastructures aims to create value for citizens, despite the increasing population density. But what kind of data governance is needed for Smart Cities? And what will the city of the future look like?


Juan Kanggrawan © © private collection Juan Kanggrawan © private collection
Juan Kanggrawan
is Head of Product, Tribe/Operation & Data at Indonesia National Ministry (GovTech) & Smart Cities. He is analytics, product management, technocrat & business strategy professional with more than 12 years of exposure in business, government and technology. 




Budi Sutrisno © © private collection Budi Sutrisno © private collection
Budi Sutrisno
is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Sociology, Padjadjaran University. His research interests are in the impact of technology on economic sociology and society
