Digital Discourses 2022
Futures Imaginaries

What is the role of science fiction in imagining the future? Do science fiction’s predictions affect the future? How can fiction raise ethical issues around the future of technology and society? There will be a reading of short fiction stories by the speaker.


Stephen Oram © © Penn Smith Stephen Oram © Penn Smith
Stephen Oram
writes near-future novels and short stories. He also works with scientists and technologists to explore possible futures through short stories and is a writer for sci-fi prototypers SciFutures.



Warih Aji Pamungkas © © private collection Warih Aji Pamungkas © private collection
Warih Aji Pamungkas
is a master's student in Engineering and Policy Analysis program at TU Delft, Netherlands. He is also a part of TU Delft Urban Energy Institute and the ASEAN Centre for Energy.
