Digital Discourses
Mohamad Savic Ali (Indonesia)

Tactics to Counter Online Extremism

The anonymity, speed, and efficiency of online communication has made it an invaluable tool for finding like-minded people, exchanging ideas, and coordinating activities. These tools can be used by marginalized people to find support among peers. Similarly, they can be used by extremist groups to spread ideology, recruit new members, and, in the worst case, to coordinate attacks. 

Who is responsible for identifying and dealing with online extremism? Can platforms be held accountable for content uploaded? Is slowing down or blocking access to all online communication tools an answer in times of crisis? In this panel, we contrast and compare how different societies have approached this problem.

Mohamad Savic Ali
Mohamad Savic Ali | © Mohamad Savic Ali
Mohamad Savic Ali is the director of two Islamic websites: NU Online and For a number of years he has been tackling online religious extremism. He is also a member of Gusdurian Network and has continuously worked tirelessly to create bridges between religious communities.

