Panel Discussion
The City In-Between: Reflections and Outlooks on Urban Informality

The City In-Between: Reflections and Outlooks on Urban Informality
© Goethe-Institut Bandung

Two panels on Design, Informality, and (Post)Pandemic Urbanism



23.11.2020 15:00-16:30 Panel 1 on Youtube
24.11.2020 15:00-16:30 Panel 2 on Youtube

9.00AM (German Time)
3.00PM (Indonesia Time)
7.00PM (Australia Time)

In late 2019, students from the University of Stuttgart, Institut Teknologi Bandung, and the University of Melbourne came together in the Traveling Studio The city In-between, Designing with Urban Informality in Bandung, Indonesia” to learn more about informal urban developments and to explore how to initiate a more inclusive planning along the contested Cikapundung riverscape – a prominent green urban corridor in the city of Bandung, lined with dense informal settlements. The observations and design works emerging from international groups of students were supposed to come back to Bandung in form of an exhibition one year later. Due to COVID-19 the exhibition was shifted to the digital space.
Together with Goethe-Institut Bandung, the three collaborating universities highlight the virtual exhibition in a two-panel-event on Zoom that will be broadcasted to Youtube. Students from the different universities will give an exhibition tour and discuss their works and perspectives with visual artist Tisna Sanjaya, founder of Cigondewah Cultural Centre (Imah Budaya (Ibu) Cigondewah) based at the Cigondewah riverscape in Bandung. To look at the topic from a current perspectives, the leading professors of the project discuss (post)pandemic conditions of informality, sustainability, and resilience with renowned Indonesia-based urbanists.
Panel 1
Envisioning the In-between City through the lens of art and design

In a joint traveling studio students from the University of Melbourne (Australia), the University of Stuttgart (Germany), and ITB (Indonesia) considered the urban conditions along the Cikapundung River in Bandung, where urban renewal, green agenda, kampung growth and gentrification are gaining momentum. Their design works gathered in the virtual exhibition In-between City are attempts to shape a more inclusive urbanism by integrating architectural, urban design and landscape architecture thinking. Visual artist Dr. Tisna Sanjaya founded Cigondewah Cultural Centre (Imah Budaya (Ibu) Cigondewah) as an art work and institution on the Cigondewah riverbanks in 2007 to artistically raise awareness on how to adopt and to adapt sustainable modes of urban living. Kolektif Agora is a network of individuals whose main background is anxiety about the phenomenon of urbanization. Their publication is a literary medium that does not only joke arbitrarily about urban problems, but also provides logical and grounded arguments, for the sake of creating a dialectical process to continue to reproduce urban knowledge and is represented by Naufal Rofi Indriansyah and Seruni Fauzia Lestari. Dr. Tisna Sanjaya and Kolektif Agora will discuss and envision a “T” with students on the basis of their art and design practices. 
Dr. Tisna Sanjaya (Bandung-based artist and lecturer at ITB), Naufal Rofi Indriansyah and Seruni Fauzia Lestari (Kolektif Agora)  and students from the University of Melbourne (Australia), the University of Stuttgart (Germany), and ITB (Indonesia)
Agung Sentausa (Film Maker)
Panel 2
(Post)Pandemic Urbanism: Reflections on Informality, Sustainability, and Resilience of Indonesian Cities

The global pandemic situation has in many ways exposed the landscape of inequality in cities throughout the world, particularly in terms of access to urban amenities, open green spaces and affordable housing. At the same time, many kampung communities in Indonesia have demonstrated their resilience and ability to adapt to the challenging situations while the formal cities continue to benefit from the flexibility and reliability of the informal economy sectors. Have the pandemic then generated critical reflections on the landscape of inequality embodied within the contrasting urban conditions of Indonesian cities? Have the pandemic broaden up the envisioning of futures cities in Indonesia, including a rethinking of the relationship between density and access to open green space and riverscape? Have the resilience and social capital showcased by some of the historical urban kampung in cities such as Bandung, Yogyakarta and other cities in Southeast Asia broaden up public conversation about social diversity as a component of sustainable urban future in the country? 
Dr. Budi Faisal and Asep Darmana (ITB), Dr Amanda Achmadi and Dr. Sidh Sintusingha (University of Melbourne), Dipl.-Arch. MSc. Yassine Moustanjidi and Prof. Astrid Ley (University of Stuttgart), Dr. Tisna Sanjaya (Visual Artist),  and Kamil Muhammad (Architecture Sans Frontiere – Indonesia)
Dr. Wiryono Raharjo (Universitas Islam Indonesia)


Dr. Amanda Achmadi is Senior Lecturer in Architectural Design, Asian Architecture and Urbanism. Amanda is interested in the interactions between architecture and identity politics and how these unfold in different historical periods: pre-colonial, colonial and postcolonial era. Her main focus is the architectural landscape of Indonesia and Southeast Asian region. She is affiliated with the Society of Architectural and Urban Historians of Asia and a member of the InfUR(Informal Urbanism) research hub and the ACAHUCH of the Melbourne School of Design of the University of Melbourne. Among her recent research publications is a journal article published in 2019 in Space and Polity which she co-authored with Prof. Kim Dovey and Dr. Brian Cook, entitled “Contested riverscapes in Jakarta: flooding, forced eviction and urban image.”
Prof. Dr. Astrid Ley is Chair to the Department of International Urbanism, co-director of the Institute for Urban Planning and Design (Städtebau-Institut) and course director of the international masters’ program on Integrated Urbanism and Sustainable Design (IUSD) and Vice-Dean of the Faculty of Architecture and Urban Planning at the University of Stuttgart. Her field of expertise and publications comprise diverse topics related to urbanization processes in the Global South with an emphasis on informality, housing and upgrading processes, local governance, community-led processes, participation, and co-production in urban development.
Dipl.-Arch. MSc. Yassine Moustanjidi is an architect and urban designer. He is a practitioner and a researcher on topic of urban governance and mega-urbanization. He has been part of the international  research project “Future Megacities: Energy and climate efficient structures in urban growth centres” funded by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF). Yassine has worked intensively on the challenges of urbanization within the MENA region, South East Asia and Europe, and actively participated in a variety of International conferences, competitions and workshops on the topic. Yassine is currently lecturing and researching at the department of International Urbanism, University of Stuttgart, and is a PhD candidate working on the topic of cross-border urban governance in Singapore-Johor-Riau extended urban region.

Dr. Sidh Sintusingha is Landscape Architecture Program Coordinator at the University of Melbourne. Prior to joining academia, he practiced as an architect and landscape architect in Thailand and Australia. His research focuses on addressing socio-cultural, environmental and scalar problems relating to urbanization and the speculation of retrofits towards urban sustainability in Southeast Asian cities. His research also addresses the evolving formal cultural landscape expressions, both planned/designed and unplanned/undesigned, in response to those broader phenomenon of urbanization. Sidh has widely presented and published in these areas both locally and internationally.
Kamil Muhammad is a Jakarta-based architect and director of design/research studio pppooolll and co-founder of Architecture Sans Frontieres-Indonesia. He obtained a Master of Architecture degree at the University of Melbourne in 2014. His practice was awarded the LafargeHolcim Award Asia Pacific (2017), ASF-INT Social Production of Habitat Award (2017), finalist for Future Park Melbourne (2019), and was selected for What If? Lab Eindhoven (2018). Kamil is the co-curator for the upcoming Indonesian Architects Week-Exhibition as part of the UIA Congress 2021 in Rio de Janeiro.
Budi Faisal is a Head of Landscape Architecture Master Study Program, School of Architecture, Planning and Policy Development, ITB. He is also a founder of Urban Landscape Hub (ULH). A Research Center that focus on Investigating Urban Development through Landscape and Ecological Perspective. His research interest covers the issues of Green Network System, Urban Landscape Ecology within multiscalar context from Villages to Cities and up to Regions and how they are socially and environmentally interconnected. As a practising Architect and Landscape Architect, Budi also interested in integrating these two diciplines to create a healthy and livable built environment.
His current achievement is as one of the winner (no 5th) of the Prestigious Indonesia New Capital Competition in East Kalimantan.
Asep Darmana is a lecturer and member of the Architectural Design Research Group at the Architecture Department, School of Architecture, Planning and Policy Development, ITB. His current research interests are water-sensitive design approach and Low Impact development in urban areas.
Prior to lecturing, Asep was a practicing architect in a Singapore based architectural firm and  involved on both Singapore and other international projects. Currently, he has since been practicing in Indonesia and focuses on housing, public building, and site planning.
Dr. Tisna Sanjaya An artist, lecturer, and cultural practitioner, who was born in Bandung, 1958. He emerged from a generation of contemporary Indonesian and Bandung artists in the 1980s with their wave of experimentation; but with its own attitude, style and language. He is Lecturer at the Graphic Arts Studio, Fine Arts Study Program, Bandung Institute of Technology and founder of Imah Budaya (Ibu) Cigondewah (Cigondewah Culture Center). Imah Budaya (Ibu) Cigondewah is as an art work and institution on the Cigondewah riverbanks, is based on understanding of a complex system rather than working and defining the exact art medium. Facts and processes are entwinded in the site, history and community. It includes other disciplines such as natural and physical sciences, industry, community and cultural activieties.

Naufal Rofi Indriansyah is an editor at Kolektif Agora. He also works as a development and human rights researcher, particularly interested in the process of urbanization in Indonesia, informality, and social justice.
Seruni Fauzia Lestari is a writer at Kolektif Agora. She is currently a student at the University of Manchester where she is pursuing International Development studies focusing on politics, governance and development policy. Her interests include the politics of land, megaprojects and natural resource governance.


Agung Sentausa, a film maker with a degree in Architecture who has been working with informal communities across Indonesia. He is the founder of SAKALA CreDu, an organisation with a focus on youth and community empowerment in film, music, art and other creative sectors, and currently the head of Indonesian Film Board’s Film financing. One of his feature film is based in Cipakundung riverscape. He works closely with Yogyakarta based Yayasan Kampung Halaman.
Dr. Wiryono Raharjo, Vice Rector for Partnership & Entrepreneurship & Senior Lecturer of Architecture at Universitas Islam Indonesia in Yogyakarta. He is an urbanist and an expert on the topic of informality and inclusive urbanism. His doctorate thesis is titled  Speculative settlements: built form/tenure ambiguity in kampung development, where he explore kampung development with particular reference to kampung in the city of Yogyakarta.




Language: English
Price: Free

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