Library of things

The Library of Things is an innovative and practical approach to thinking and living sustainably. We often need expensive devices and items only sporadically, most of the time they lie around unused. Our library offers a treasure trove of free-to-borrow items, helping you save money, declutter your space, and support an eco-friendly future. Why buy when you can borrow?

Library of things © Goethe-Institut Indonesia

The Idea

The Library of Things introduces a concept supporting sustainable lifestyles, community sharing, and maximising resource use. Besides printed media, CDs, and films, now we also provide tools that can be borrowed in our library: Things that people need from time to time, but don't necessarily have to buy themself. Our idea is to offer a free and environmentally friendly alternative, so people don’t need to buy some items which are rarely used. It doesn’t only contribute to a more sustainable life, but also unlocks new hobbies and creativities which can also inspire the community. Currently, our Library of Things consists of 19 items related to cooking and baking tools.

Available objects

Want to rediscover traditional Indonesian recipes and childhood snacks? Or try your hand at German cuisine with books from the library as your guide? Borrow our 19 kitchen tools to support your cooking and baking adventures and savor the tempting aromas wafting from your kitchen!

Available objects © Goethe-Institut Indonesia

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