Presentation & Discussion
Ideas on Sharing and Swapping

Sharing Session: Kultursymposium Weimar

GoetheHaus Jakarta

Sharing and exchange are basic human cultural practices. They play as big roles in poor countries as in affluent societies. But when do I share – and with whom? What social and cultural developments emerge from the various forms and manifestations of sharing and exchange? What is the meaning of trust in times of couch surfing and car sharing?
The Kultursymposium Weimar was searching for answers to these questions on three days in early June.
Erlin Goentoro (C20 Library and Collabtive), Gustaff Iskandar (The Common Room), Putri Sentanu (Social Entrepreneur), and Marco Kusumawijaya (Rujak Center for Urban Studies) were part of it and will now present their experiences, impressions and what they learnt about the practice and theory of sharing and swapping. They will also introduce us to hands-on practices of various initiatives in other parts of the world, that they picked up during the Kultursymposium in Weimar, themed “The Sharing Game: Exchange in Culture and Society”.
The presentation will be followed by informal discussion and barter activities. You are invited to bring an object of your choice as entrance ticket and, in the end, leave with a new object in exchange.
Erlin Goentoro:
"Throughout the symposium, I sensed there was a lot of concern about the lack of growth in cooperatives. Sharing should not just be of consumption, but also of production.“
Gustaff Iskandar:
“From my personal view, Kultursymposium Weimar 2016 is timely important in a sense that open discourse and debate around commons, in particular the culture of sharing and exchange, had been extremely contested within recent development in information era, both in local and global context.”
Putri Sentanu:
“Someone popped up with an interesting comment, saying that capitalism is actually the parent of sharing economy. Turning sharing economy into profitable business is only a matter of time.”



GoetheHaus Jakarta

Pusat Kebudayaan Jerman
Jl. Sam Ratulangi 9-15
Jakarta 10350

Price: Free Admission | Reservation Not Required

+62 21 23550208-116

Jl. Sam Ratulangi No. 9-15
Menteng, Jakarta Pusat