Film screening

Director: Richard Oh, colour, 75 Min., 2015, director in attendance

GoetheHaus Jakarta

We are happy to invite you to the next installment of the ArtHouse Cinema program on Tuesday, February 28, 2017. This time we will screen the film called Melancholy is a Movement directed by Richard Oh.
Melancholy Is a Movement revolves around the ideals of a filmmaker, whose life is interrupted by an incident. Dynamics of friendship, and the need to pay rent, sees the main character accept an offer to make a religious film, a genre the filmmaker has previously avoided. Soon, he finds himself in a trap: can he keep his ideals or will he be dragged into a situation beyond his control?

Arthouse Cinema

Arthouse Cinema is the regular film program of the Goethe-Institut. Every 2nd and 4th Tuesday of the month we screen independent movies, avant-garde movies, retrospectives, experimental films or documentary films from Europe and Indonesia – anything but the mainstream.



GoetheHaus Jakarta

Pusat Kebudayaan Jerman
Jl. Sam Ratulangi 9-15
Jakarta 10350

Language: Indonesian with English subtitles
Price: Free Admission | Reservation Not Required

+62 21 23550208-147
Part of series Arthouse Cinema 2017/2018

Jl. Sam Ratulangi No. 9-15
Menteng, Jakarta Pusat