Film screening
Ein Geschenk der Götter

Ein Geschenk der Göttter
© If Productions

Director: Oliver Haffner, colour, 102 min., 2012 - 2014

GoetheHaus Jakarta

We are happy to invite you to the next installment of the ArtHouse Cinema program on Tuesday, July 11, 2017. This time we will screen the film called Ein Geschenk der Götter (A Godsend) directed by Oliver Haffner.

Anna, an actress, unexpectedly loses her job at a small German town theatre. She can't expect much help from the local employment agency – but as it so happens, there is an administrator at the agency who, while not very militant, is enthusiastic about theatre. Anna takes on the job of teaching drama to eight long-term unemployed people. Initially, none of them are particularly enthusiastic about it, nor are they exalted about the drama “Antigone”, which Anna wants to rehearse with them. But then the skeptical and difficult individuals manage to draw together and form a collective after all, giving all of them renewed hope. Ein Geschenk der Götter is a tragicomedy, where the stage is the setting for a collective restoration of the self-respect lost by each of the individuals.



Arthouse Cinema is the regular film program of the Goethe-Institut. Every 2nd and 4th Tuesday of the month we screen independent movies, avant-garde movies, retrospectives, experimental films or documentary films from Europe and Indonesia – anything but the mainstream.



GoetheHaus Jakarta

Pusat Kebudayaan Jerman
Jl. Sam Ratulangi 9-15
Jakarta 10350

Language: German with English subtitles
Price: Free Admission | Reservation Not Required

+62 21 23550208-147
Part of series Arthouse Cinema 2017/2018

Jl. Sam Ratulangi No. 9-15, Menteng, Jakarta Pusat