Audio Visual Art & Performance

Alur Bunyi - Enrico Octaviano
© Goethe-Institut Indonesien

Open Workshop with Berlin-based VJ-Studio Pfadfinderei for beginners and advanced learners

GoetheHaus Jakarta

In the context of this workshop, Michael gives an introduction into the field of audiovisual art and performance and invites the participants to join in and experiment themselves.
The workshop offers a general overview:

What is a performance about?
How does one select the correct tools?
What does a proper AV creation and plan look like?
How to experiment with composition and technology?
What sound suits me best?
Regarding this, Michael is going to provide an understanding of useful creative and technical knowledge and a couple of personal hints and tips.
Participants should bring a smartphone and laptop.

Pfadfinderei is a Berlin-based international collective specializing in interdisciplinary concepts for visual music performances, multi-media installations, stage shows, and creative direction. Going beyond their initial roots of screen work, they apply immersive components to fuse light, video, and spatial design.


GoetheHaus Jakarta

Pusat Kebudayaan Jerman
Jl. Sam Ratulangi 9-15
Jakarta 10350

Price: Free Entry | with Invitation

+62 21 23550208 - 265
Part of series Alur Bunyi

Room 4