Film screening
Moor and the Ravens of London

Arthouse Cinema Jakarta_Mohr und die Raben von London
© DEFA Stiftung: Hertel, Wenzel, Zaehler

Director: Helmut Dziuba, B & W, 95 min., 1968

GoetheHaus Jakarta

On Marx's 150th birthday, Helmut Dziuba directed one of the first cinematic biographies on Karl Marx. Based on the well-known GDR children's book of the same name, it is the only feature film made by the East German, state-owned film studio DEFA to feature Marx as the dramatic focal point. The film follows Karl Marx during his year of exile in London, 1856. There, he meets the family of the child labourer, Joe, and is dismayed by the everyday life they live between night work and 12-hour shifts. In conversations with the workers and their children, the thinker puts his weight behind resistance and helps to organize a successful strike.

Helmut Dziuba

Helmut Dziuba was born in 1933 in Dresden. After completing his primary education, he apprenticed as a high-voltage installation technician. In 1953, he completed his pre-university education and entered the Gerasimov Institute of Cinematography to study directing under. Among his instructors was Mikhail Romm, whom Dziuba for many years credited as his most influential instructor. During this time, he worked as a reporter and announcer for Radio Moscow. He received his directing diploma in 1962, and after working as an assistant director on numerous movies finally made his feature-film directorial debut in 1968 with Moor and the Ravens of London. Up until 1990, he was employed as a feature-film director by DEFA Studios, where he was soon considered a specialist for children's films. His films include Red Ties (1977), Your Presence is Imperative (1983), and Jan on the Barge (1985). His first film project after the fall of the Wall, Jana and Jan (1992), won the Bavarian Film Award. His screenplay for The Blind Flyers (2004), directed by Bernd Sahling, was honored with a German Film Award).

Filmography (selection)

1968 Mohr und die Raben von London
1972 Laut und leise ist die Liebe
1974 Der Untergang der Emma
1977 Rotschlipse
1979 Chiffriert an Chef – Ausfall Nummer 5
1980 Als Unku Edes Freundin war
1982 Sabin Kleist, 7 Jahre
1984 Erscheinen Pflicht
1986 Jan auf der Zille
1989 Verbotene Liebe
1991 Jana und Jan

Registration via Eventbrite

arthouse cinema

Arthouse Cinema is the regular film program of the Goethe-Institut Indonesia. Every 2nd and 4th Tuesday of the month we screen independent movies, avant-garde movies, retrospectives, experimental films or documentary films from Europe and Indonesia – anything but the mainstream!



GoetheHaus Jakarta

Pusat Kebudayaan Jerman
Jl. Sam Ratulangi 9-15
Jakarta 10350

Language: German with english subtitles
Price: Free admission | No reservation required

+62 21 23550208 - 147
Part of series Arthouse Cinema 2019

Jalan Sam Ratulangi No. 9-15
Jakarta 10350