History on the Screen

BINGKIS_Sejarah Dalam Pendaran Layar
© Goethe-Institut Indonesien

Youtube Live with Anggraeni Widhiasih, Umi Lestari and Yosep Anggi Noen


Representation plays an important role in history. It enables us to discuss and examine history. Film is one such medium able to portray, revisit, and re-address history and historical experiences.
Since the first time a moving image was created and presented to the public, motion pictures have been instrumental in recording current events and contexts while portraying how they relate to the nation-state.
In this edition of BINGKIS our experts are invited to discuss with the public how history is presented in cinema. In the Indonesian context, several films have become a sort of reference for certain historical events. On the other hand, several films were eliminated in the past because they were in conflict with the political interests of the government. The way history is dealt with in film is decisive not only because of the political aspect but also how it appears in a specific temporal and spatial context.

Anggraeni Widhiasih

Anggraeni Widhiasih is a member of Forum Lenteng and since 2019 part of the selection team for the competition of the Jakarta International Documentary and Experimental Film Festival. She studied international relations at Universitas Indonesia. Many of her published articles concern regimes, aesthetics, and history.

Umi Lestari

Umi’s focus is on examining and rewriting the history and aesthetics of Indonesian cinema, especially those films produced in the 1950s. Umi’s articles about the latest Indonesian films can be read on her blog, in the magazine Nang (online version), and in Jurnal Footage. Her research about Lekra artist Basuki Resobowo (Lekra = Lembaga Kebudayaan Rakyat Lekra), who was the first artistic director of Perfini, was recently published in the journal Southeast of Now. Umi’s research on Dr. Huyung, a Korean director who later became a Japanese soldier and finally an Indonesian citizen, has been published in the Journal of Korean and Asian Arts. She is currently a lecturer in the film studies program at Multimedia Nusantara University.

Yosep Anggi Noen

Anggi is a documentary and feature film director who also explores other audiovisual media. His latest feature film, The Science of Fictions, premiered in the main program of the Locarno Film Festival 2019 and received a special mention. The film toured 20 film festivals throughout the world, including Rotterdam, Busan, AFI Fest Los Angeles, Tokyo, and Singapore. At the Porto Post Doc film and media festival in Portugal, the film was awarded the Best Director prize.

To the video recording To event series: BINGKIS




Language: Indonesian
Price: Free and open to the public
Part of series BINGKIS

Live on YouTube Goethe-Institut Indonesien