Panel Discussion
Collecting Entanglements: the Tusks, the Stripes, and the Good Names

Collecting Entanglements: the Tusks, the Stripes, and the Good Names
© Cecil Mariani

The program explores the significance and challenges of building art collections with four institutional leaders from Berlin, Canberra, Jakarta, and Tokyo.


  • Berlin: 12 PM
  • Jakarta & Bangkok: 5 PM
  • Singapore: 6 PM
  • Tokyo: 7 PM
  • Canberra: 6 PM

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The final collective program of Collecting Entanglements and Embodied Histories, returns us to the beginnings of this project in consideration of the collections that piqued our curatorial curiosities and which, we hope, have become reframed in interesting ways through the exhibitions across Chiang Mai, Singapore, Jakarta and Berlin. The title of the program refers to an old Malay proverb about the legacy we leave behind: “gajah mati meninggalkan gadingnya, harimau mati meninggalkan belangnya, manusia mati meninggalkan namanya” (when elephants die, they leave their tusks behind and tigers leave their stripes behind; but when humans die, they leave behind their reputation.

We wish to conclude this series of events with a discussion on what is at stake for collecting and collections. This discussion continues the initial conversation between Goethe Institut’s past and current directors examining the history of transregional encounters.

In this discussion we explore the purposes and visions that collecting fulfils within the present; the burdens of responsibilities – national and private – arising from the specificities of legacies, geographies and histories;  the contemporary impulses and impediments of collection circulation; as well as the insights and challenges of reading collections within and from without.Simply put: how has history shaped these collections; what affects collecting today, and what would we want or hope for the future of collecting? In addition and in the context of this occasion of dialogue and collaboration, how can or should collections benefit from curatorial perspectives from beyond these walls?

The discussion features an expanded panel of speakers from and beyond the collections of Collecting Entanglements and Embodied Histories, for an exchange on the collection as embodied – where collecting is as much the act as it is of agency.


Dr. Stefan Dreyer
is the Regional Director of Goethe-Institut for Southeast Asia, Australia, and New Zealand. Before holding this position, he has worked at the Goethe-Institut for 31 years in various cities, including Boston, Budapest, Colombo, New Delhi, Seoul and Munich. His current base city, Jakarta, was also the first city he started as a Goethe-Institut intern, some 38 years ago.


Russell Storer
is Head Curator, International Art, at the National Gallery of Australia, Canberra. He was previously Director (Curatorial, Research and Exhibitions) at National Gallery Singapore, where he co-curated exhibitions including Minimalism: Space. Light. Object., Yayoi Kusama: Life is the Heart of a Rainbow, and Between Worlds: Raden Saleh & Juan Luna. He has also held curatorial positions at QAGOMA in Brisbane, where he co-curated the 6th, 7th, and 8th Asia Pacific Triennials, and the Museum of Contemporary Art, Sydney, organising exhibitions with artists including Simryn Gill, Matthew Ngui, Juan Davila and Ugo Rondinone. He was a co-curator of the 3rd Singapore Biennale (2011), and has written widely on Asian and Australian contemporary art.

Mami Kataoka
joined the Mori Art Museum in 2003, taking on the role of Director in 2020. Beyond Tokyo, Kataoka has held positions at the Hayward Gallery in London, where from 2007 to 2009 she was the institution’s first International Curator; she has also acted as Co-Artistic Director for the 9th Gwangju Biennale (2012), Artistic Director for the 21st Biennale of Sydney (2018) and is currently Artistic Director for the Aichi Triennale 2022. Kataoka has been serving as a Board Member of CIMAM [International Committee for Museums and Collections of Modern Art] (2014-) and currently the President of CIMAM.

Sam Bardaouil
is Co-director for the Hamburger Bahnhof, alongside Till Fellrath. Bardaouil and Felrath are the founders of the multidisciplinary curatorial platform artReoriented, which was founded to rethink traditional models of cultural engagement. Some of their recent projects include Lyon Biennale 2022 and the French pavilion at the Venice Biennale 2022. They were also affiliate curators at Gropius Bau in Berlin between 2017 and 2021.

Sri Kusumawati, SS., M.Si
is the Head of Management Unit for Art Museums in Jakarta. In her role, she oversees the management of the Museum of Visual Art and Ceramics (MSRK), Museum Wayang (literally translates to The Puppet Museum), and the Textile Museum.


Anna-Catharina Gebbers
is a Collection Curator for Contemporary Art at the Nationalgalerie im Hamburger Bahnhof – Museum für Gegenwart – Berlin.

Grace Samboh
is a researcher and curator. She co-founded the research group Hyphen (since 2011), the Project Director for RUBANAH Underground Hub, Jakarta (since 2019), a member of the curatorial team for “Jakarta Biennale 2021: ESOK”, and is undertaking a doctorate for Arts and Society Studies at Sanata Dharma University.

Gridthiya Gaweewong
co-founded the arts organization Project 304 in 1996. She currently works as Artistic Director of the Jim Thompson Art Center, Bangkok, and is a guest curator of MAIIAM Contemporary Art Museum, Chiang Mai.

June Yap
is Director of Curatorlal and Collections at the Singapore Art Museum, where she oversees content creation and museum programming.

Collecting Entanglements And Embodied Histories

is a dialogue between the collections of Galeri Nasional Indonesia, MAIIAM Contemporary Art Museum, Nationalgalerie – Staatliche Museen zu Berlin, and Singapore Art Museum. Initiated by the Goethe-Institut, the project manifests as four exhibitions with distinctive curatorial narratives in the four collaborating institutions, regular online public programs livestreamed on Facebook and YouTube, a video essay series by art practitioners on selected artists and more. The curatorial team consists of Anna-Catharina Gebbers, Grace Samboh, Gridthiya Gaweewong, and June Yap.


Language: English
Price: Free | No Registration Needed