Film Screening and Discussion
"Parchim International"

Parchim International
© Neue Visionen Filmverleih GmbH

Join us to watch the second screening of Arthouse Cinema 2024 – with English subtitles on the big screen in our hall. The screening will be followed with a discussion.

GoetheHaus Jakarta

Parchim International
Germany, 2016, Director: Stefan Eberlein | Duration: 89 min. | with English subtitle

The documentary from 2016 focus on the story of the Chinese investor Jonathan Pang and his huge ambitions for a very small former military airport, near the small town Parchim in the northern province of Germany.

The overgrown runway and the ageing tower are to be renovated so that they can soon welcome thousands of passengers a year. But that is not enough: Mr Pang’s vision includes a business centre, a shopping centre, artificial mountains, hotels and hundreds of jobs - and of course billions in revenue.

However, Mr Pang's energetic idealism is countered by an agonizingly cumbersome bureaucracy. His endeavors and negotiations with authorities and agencies often met with skepticism and hostility. Will he succeed with his ambitions to turn the German province in a hub for the world?

In the discussion program, following the film screening, we would like to translate the topic into local contexts. The discussion focuses on several factors regarding city planning and its implication on society. Notable expert on city planning and activist are invited for the discussion.


GoetheHaus Jakarta

Pusat Kebudayaan Jerman
Jl. Sam Ratulangi 9-15
10350 Jakarta

Language: English and Indonesian
Price: Free Entrance