Film Festival
Science Film Festival Indonesia 2024

Science Film Festival Indonesia 2024
© Groupe DeJour

Science Film Festival returns in 2024, focusing on “Net Zero and Circular Economy” – in 100 cities across Indonesia!

The Science Film Festival is a celebration of science communication in Southeast Asia, South Asia, Africa, the Middle East and Latin America: In cooperation with local partners, it promotes science literacy and facilitates awareness of contemporary scientific, technological and environmental issues through international films with accompanying educational activities. The Science Film Festival presents scientific issues accessibly and entertainingly to a broad audience and demonstrates that science can be fun. The event has grown considerably since its first edition in 2005, becoming the largest event of its kind worldwide.

The Science Film Festival 2024 will center on the theme of Net Zero and the Circular Economy, emphasizing the urgent need for actions beyond solely reducing global greenhouse gas emissions to address climate protection effectively. Recent research findings underscore that focusing solely on cutting CO2 emissions is insufficient to halt climate change. To meet the Paris Climate Agreement objectives, a swift transition to achieving net zero emissions is imperative. Yet, this ambitious goal demands significant changes that cannot be achieved overnight.

This year, 15 films from 8 countries will be screened as part of Science Film Festival Indonesia. The festival itself will be held in 100 cities across Indonesia:
Aceh | Ambon | Balikpapan | Banda Aceh | Bandung | Bangkalan | Banjarbaru | Banjarmasin| Bekasi | Biak | Bintaro | Bintuni | Blitar | Bogor | Boyolali | Buol Toli-Toli | Ciamis | Cianjur | Cibinong | Cikarang | Cirebon | Deli Serdang | Denpasar | Depok | Ende | Fakfak | Gowa | Gunung Kidul | Jakarta | Jayapura | Jember | Jombang | Kabanjahe | Karo | Kefamenanu | Kendari | Kobagma | Komodo | Kuningan | Kupang | Lahat | Lampung | Lawang Kidul | Liwa | Lombok Barat | Madiun | Magelang | Majalengka | Makassar | Malang | Manado | Mataram | Matauli Pandan | Maumere | Medan | Mojokerto | Musi Rawas | Padang | Palangkaraya | Palembang | Palopo | Parepare | Paser | Payakumbuh | Pekanbaru | Pematang Siantar | Pontianak | Poso | Probolinggo | Rote Barat | Salatiga | Samarinda | Samosir Sarmi | Sawahlunto | Serdang Bedagai | Sidoarjo | SoE | Sorong | Sukabumi | Sumbawa | Sumedang | Surabaya | Surakarta | Tangerang | Tapanuli Utara | Tarutung | Tasikmalaya | Tentena | Timika | Toba | Tobelo Tomohon | Toraja | Tulungagung | Waibakul | Waikabubak | Waingapu | Wonogiri | Yogyakarta


Language: Indonesian