Seminar Exchange of Knowledge 23 “Best Practice with the textbook Deutsch echt einfach”

Exchange of Knowledge 23 “Best Practice with the textbook Deutsch echt einfach” © Goethe-Institut Indonesia

3 PM


German can be easy! How can we motivate learners to master German easily?

Learning materials play an important role in the classroom. To achieve learning goals in the best possible way, textbooks that include practical and effective course and exercise books are particularly helpful.

Lesson materials should be packaged in a way that makes learning interesting and entertaining for German language learners. This makes the learning content easier for pupils to understand and assimilate.

Deutsch echt einfach is a textbook for German language lessons. The course book and exercise book are specifically designed for German learners at levels A1 and A2. The learning content is context-based and presented in an easy-to-understand way. The exercise book supplements the course book with thematically structured content. It is designed so that learners actively use targeted vocabulary, grammar and idioms. The exercises also effectively promote language acquisition by boosting reading and listening comprehension to achieve learning objectives.

If you would like to learn more about Deutsch echt einfach teaching materials, register for Exchange of Knowledge session 23.

Zulkarnain Hasan (German teacher at Ignatius Global School Palembang)
graduated from IKIP in Bandung in 1997 with a teaching degree in German. He then moved to Palembang, where he still teaches and promotes German. As a dedicated German instructor, he works in state and private secondary schools while actively promoting the German language. He is currently the chairperson of the South-Sumatra branch of the Indonesian German Teachers Association (Ikatan Guru Bahasa Jerman Indonesia, IGBJI).

Diah Puspita Widowati (German teacher at SMAN 1 Lawang)
graduated in 1999 with a German teaching degree from Universitas Negeri Malang. She has been teaching at SMAN 1 Lawang Malang since 2010 and is an active member of MGMP Jerman and IGBJI Malang.
