Discussion 300 Years of Kant: Grounding for the Metaphysics of Science

300 Years of Kant: Grounding for the Metaphysics of Science © Goethe-Institut Indonesien / Each Other Company

7 PM

Universitas Katolik Parahyangan

Join us in celebrating Immanuel Kant and his lasting principles, this time with Bambang Sugiharto and Karlina Supelli on the topic of Kant’s fundamental principles of the metaphysics of science.

Immanuel Kant (1724–1804) was engaged with science throughout much of his career. In his youth, he proposed theories on the formation of the solar system and the universe, as well as accurately explained the changes in Earth's rotation. He also wrote about geology, anthropology, and geography. Moreover, he admired Newtonian physics and mathematics. However, he believed that falling in love with metaphysics was his destiny. Unfortunately, admiration and love do not always align. Kant perceived a sharp conflict between the systems of physical thought and metaphysics. Witnessing the success of science, Kant embarked on an ambitious project to bridge the two.

Initially, Kant hoped that metaphysics could still fulfill its task of capturing the causes and hidden forces beneath or beyond physical phenomena. However, his dissatisfaction with traditional metaphysics deepened. Kant then took a radical path. He revolutionized metaphysics.

Metaphysics is no longer knowledge derived purely from pure reason about the realm beyond physics (sensory phenomena), but rather a set of demands of reason in its endeavor to organize human inquiries. Kant's project did not stop there. Through an examination of physical concepts, he defended metaphysics by attempting to show that true science requires a metaphysical foundation. Why and in what sense does science require a metaphysical foundation? What exactly is that foundation? Did his efforts succeed? What are the implications if science follows Kantian frameworks of thought?

Bambang Sugiharto
a graduate of the University of San Tommaso, Rome, Italy, in Philosophy. He is the author of books on postmodernism, cultural issues, religion, and contemporary art, including "Overlapping Territories: Asian Voices on Culture and Civilization" (Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2011), "Culture and Post-Traditional Conditions" (Kanisius, 2020), "What is Art For?" (Matahari, 2013), and "Postmodernism: Challenges for Philosophy" (Kanisius, 1996). He received the Bandung Cultural Award in 2012. He has served as the President of the Asian Association of Christian Philosophers and Secretary-General of the International Society for Universal Dialogue, New York.

Karlina Supelli
graduated from the doctoral program at University College London and Universitas Indonesia in the fields of astronomy and philosophy. She is a philosopher and one of the first female astronomers in Indonesia. She has interests in the field of science, particularly physics, mathematics, and metaphysics. Additionally, she is concerned with humanitarian and women's issues. Currently, Karlina Supelli is a permanent lecturer in the Graduate Program at the Driyarkara School of Philosophy (STF).

Thomas Kristiatmo
Known as Rm Atmo, he is a diocesan priest of the Diocese of Bandung. He was born in Rembang and received his education at the Mertoyudan Seminary and continued to the Fermentum Higher Seminary in Bandung. Rm Atmo was assigned to Tanjung Selor, Kalimantan, Cigugur, West Java, and St. Paul's Church, Bandung. He pursued his Master's and Doctoral degrees in Dogmatic Theology at the Pontifical Gregorian University, Rome. He is a lecturer at the Faculty of Philosophy and Theology of Universitas Katolik Paahyangan.
