Culture Moves Europe

Culture moves Europe artwork: © European Union, 2022 (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0) - sources: ©

Culture Moves Europe supports cultural mobility in all 40 Creative Europe countries. It covers the sectors of architecture, cultural heritage, design and fashion design, literature, music, performing arts and visual arts. 
With a budget of €21 million from 2022 to 2025, Culture Moves Europe is the largest European mobility scheme for the cultural sector to date. It is funded by the Creative Europe programme of the European Union and implemented by Goethe-Institut. 

Open Calls

Culture Moves Europe is composed of two action lines:


Individual Mobility Action:

The Individual Mobility Action is directed at artists and cultural professionals who are legal residents of Creative Europe countries, providing them with financial support to:
  • Carry out a project with an international partner of their choice such as a fellow artist, an organisation, a cultural venue etc.
  • Travel between seven and 60 days, or between seven and 21 days for groups of up to five people.
  • Benefit from support to travel and subsistence costs as well as individual top-ups based on their project and personal situation.
Between 2022 and 2025, around 6,000 grants will be awarded. Rolling Calls for Individual Mobility are open for all included sectors every year between autumn and spring.   

Residency Action:

The Residency Action is directed at legal entities (e.g., non-profit organisations, NGOs, public bodies, foundations, companies, and self-employed persons). It allows them to:  
  • Host one to five artists or cultural professionals from other Creative Europe countries for a residency project that lasts between 22 and 300 days. 
  • Benefit from financial support towards the costs of inviting and hosting international artists and cultural professionals, including individual top-ups based on their project and personal situation. 

Between 2022 and 2025, three Calls for Residency Hosts will be open, each one for all sectors together. 
Around 1.000 artists and cultural professionals will take part in the projects offered by the residency hosts. 




Register for Culture Moves Europe’s weekly online Question Time! sessions and find more info material here:


Due to a high number of requests, email answers are currently delayed. It is therefore recommended to use the other available information channels. For individual questions, you can contact the following address:

Culture Moves Europe on Social Media

Important news and helpful information for your application process are posted on social media:  
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Finanziert von der Europäische Union