Künstlerhaus Schloss Balmoral

Künstlerhaus Schloss Balmoral
Künstlerhaus Schloss Balmoral | © Didier Morin
Schloss Balmoral offers international visual artists residency stipends for the duration of 3 or 9 months. Each year applications are sought in the context of a particular discipline or area of interest within the visual arts (in 2015: Dada). In addition, international curators are invited to apply for a 9-month curator’s residency stipend, which leads towards an exhibition at Arp Museum Bahnhof Rolandseck with accompanying publication. The remote location of the castle and the quiet atmosphere on site aim to facilitate creative processes and reflection.
Schloss Balmoral is located within a historic mansion at the outskirts of the city of Bad Ems (in the Lahn valley, Rhineland-Palatinate). Bad Ems is situated 18km southeast of Koblenz from where it can be reached by local train services.

Candidates must hold a degree in art and a minimum of 3 years of professional experience by the beginning of the residency programme. The nine-months curator residency programme is open to German and international candidates who graduated from college (minimum Master’s degree) within the last five years and who speak both German and English.

The bursaries included in the residency programmes are worth €1,400 per month.
All artists/curators-in-residence live in fully furnished rooms with en-suite bathrooms and have access to studios. Communal areas include the kitchen and dining area as well as a library.
Schloss Balmoral is funded and managed by the Stiftung Rheinland-Pfalz für Kultur (Foundation for Culture, Rhineland-Palatinate) and supports contemporary visual artists since its inception in 1995.

Applications are generally possible between May and June of each year, exact deadlines will be announced on the website.