Marco Gioacchini | Director, Italian Cultural Institute of Dublin

The first time I stepped into a Goethe Institut I was still a student, in Rome. And I attended the Institut for two years, as a student of their language courses. The pleasantness and politeness characterising the classes have never been forgotten, as well as the variety of people who, for different reasons, were eager to learn the language.
Today, around the world, Goethe Institut is a guarantee of ‘know-how’ and expertise, and the one in Dublin is no exception. In several cities, Italian Institute of Cultures and Goethe Institut entertain strong collaborations with the common goal of promoting foreign languages and organizing cultural events. 
I would like to extend my best wishes to the Goethe Institut for its 60 years in Ireland, to everybody who is actively working there every day and to those visiting. I am confident that, in the coming years, we will share many occasions for encounters that will benefit the cultural landscape in Ireland, this fascinating country that has welcomed us all.
