Poetry Performance and Open Mic
Poetry Slam

Marian Heuser
© Anna-Lisa Konrad

Loud & Clear: It's Showtime!

Online at the Goethe-Institut Irland

On Tuesday, 10 March, the Goethe-Institut invites you to an evening event with an open stage and a first-rate entertainment programme. Here, participants from the Goethe-Institut's Spoken Word workshops “Loud & Clear” and visitors have the opportunity to present their best texts to the audience - in both German and English!

As the star guest of the evening, the well-known German poetry slammer Marian Heuser, known as Peter Panisch, will weave his award-winning word magic. The unique Anne Gildea, co-founder of the internationally celebrated Irish comedy trio The Nualas, shines with musical comedy interludes. Anne is an actress, singer, stand-up comedian and author. The film version of her second book, "I've Got Cancer, What's Your Excuse?" will soon be released in cinemas.

Participation in this event is free, but places are limited. We recommend registering as soon as possible!


Online at the Goethe-Institut Irland


Language: German and English
Price: Free of charge
