Set the Darkness Echoing: Three artists. Three projects.

Water and Coast


Return Gallery

Set the Darkness Echoing shows the work of three graduate students of the Master’s programme Art in the Contemporary World (ACW) of the National College of Arts and Design (NCAD) Dublin. 

Ronan painting © (C) Rónán Ó Raghallaigh Ronan Druid (C) Rónán Ó Raghallaigh
Reflected waves of thought set the space rippling
Darkness dropping
Pool of light, circular
Spring of something 
Shadow twin ensnared at the centre of the universe
Fluidity, ephemerality, depth

Set the Darkness Echoing shows the work of three people: three different ways of working and three resulting artistic projects. The pieces exhibited, which can be seen in the Return Gallery of the Goethe-Institut Ireland, deal with topics and questions relating to performativity, rituals and concepts of non-linearity. They are different yet find common threads in their multiplicity - they weave and diverge from one another in the same instance. Together they form an archive of land, myth and memory where past, present and future are reflected.
Photo Crack © (C) Laragh Conroy Crack
Our hands hold memory
Knots cannot be imitated by machines
We dig, drill, drive and collect

Three screens are installed in the gallery on which each artist displays a component of their research: sound, image and performance. A druidic practice, traces of attunement and a study of embodied knowledge.

Foto Nadel und Faden © (C) Gráinne Murphy Nadel und Faden (C) Gráinne Murphy
Set the Darkness Echoing is presented by the Goethe-Institut Irland in collaboration with the National College of Art and Design in Dublin. ACW is the theory/practice MA/MFA in the School of Visual Culture at the NCAD.

Return Gallery opening times
Monday-Friday: 12 noon - 5.30 pm

Due to ongoing Covid-related restrictions, the Goethe-Institut Irland is currently open to the public to a limited extent. The exhibition can be visited by one person at a time for a time slot of approx. ten minutes. No reservation is required.
Please note that due to the protected structure of the Georgian building, the gallery is not wheelchair accessible.

>>> On Friday 11/06 the exhibition can be visited from 12 noon - 2 pm <<<


Return Gallery

37 Merrion Square
Dublin 2

Language: English
Price: admission free

+353 16801100