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Max Mueller Bhavan | India

Critical Zones © Goethe-Institut / Max Mueller Bhavan

Travelling Exhibition
Critical Zones. In Search of a Common Ground

For a long time the reactions of Earth to our human actions remained unnoticed, and have now finally – not least due to recent international climate protests – moved into public consciousness. The exhibition project Critical Zones invites visitors to engage with the critical situation of the Earth in a novel and diverse way and to explore new modes of coexistence between all forms of life.

The Exhibition Tour

CZ_Mumbai_WT_2 © Canva


Dates: 10 Nov. - 27 Nov. 2022

CZ_Pune_WT_2 © Canva


Dates: 18 Nov. - 18 Dec. 2022

CZ_Kolkata_WT © Canva


Dates: Opening February 16th, 2023
On view till: April 2nd, 2023

CZ_NewDelhi_WT © Canva

New Delhi

Dates: Saturday, 3 February 2024 - Saturday, 9 March 2024

CZ_Bangalore_WT © Canva


Dates: February 16 - March 17, 2024

Downloads and Publications

Participating Artists

Critical Zones - Ravi Agarwal © Goethe-Institut / Max Mueller Bhavan Mumbai Ravi Agarwal (b. 1958) has an interdisciplinary practice as a photographer and artist, environmental campaigner, writer, and curator. His work has been shown widely including at the Biennials of Havana (2019), Yinchuan (2018), Kochi (2016), Sharjah (2013), Indian Highway (2009), and Documenta XI (2002). He has curated Indo-European public art projects (Yamuna-Elbe twin city project, 2011 and Embrace our Rivers, 2018), and was photography curator for the Serendipity Arts Festival (2018/19), New Natures: A Terrible Beauty is Born (Goethe-Institut Mumbai, 2022), and Imagined Documents (Les Recontres d’ Arles, 2022). In addition, Agarwal has also published photography books and artist diaries. He is the founding director of the environmental NGO Toxics Link (www.toxicslink.org) and recipient of the UN-IFCS Award for Chemical Safety, and the Ashoka Fellowship.

Additional Artist Contributions

Parag Tandel © Parag Tandel Parag Tandel (b. 1978), is a Mumbai-based artist with a post-Diploma in Creative Sculpture from M. S University, Baroda (2005) and Diploma in sculpture and modelling from Sir J.J School of Art, Mumbai (2003). Tandel’s solo exhibitions include Pregnant Room 1 and Pregnant Room 2, both showcased at Pundole Art Gallery, Mumbai,( 2008 & 2010) Chronicleat TARQ, Mumbai (2016) and Autopolisphilia curated by Noopur Desai at Sudarshan art gallery, Pune, India (2018). He has also been part of various group shows across India including Baroda March, Mumbai (2015); Small is Big, Durbar Hall, Kochi (2013); Earth Art Project Tansa, Arka Art Trust, Mumbai (2013); Upvan Art Festival, Thane (2013); Small is Beautiful , Tao Art Gallery, Mumbai (2012); The Art of Drawing, The Guild, Mumbai (2011); TAKE 2, Aarushi Arts, Delhi (2011); Untitled 2010, Artkonsult, Delhi (2010); and AvaGard, Threshold Art Gallery, Delhi (2009) among others.  

Some of his public art projects include Tandel Fund of Archives, pop-up museum of fisherfolk, Mumbai (2020 & 2019); (En)counters- Daily Rations Public art project, curated by Artoxygen, Breathing art works, Mumbai (2017); Geographies of consumptions, Mumbai (2015); Big Catch, Kala Ghoda Arts Festival, Mumbai (2012); and Sandarbh, Rajasthan (2011). Tandel has been a recipient of the Jhunjhunwala Scholarship Award (2003); Maharashtra State Art Award (2003); and All India Art and Craft Society State Award (2003). Additionally, he has participated in residencies at the Banboo Curtain Studio, Taiwan (2018) Piramal Art Residency (2017), Space 118 (2015), Mumbai and in Partapur, Rajasthan.  

He currently lives and works in Thane, Mumbai.


Peter Weibel © Christof Hierholzer

Peter Weibel

Peter Weibel (*1944) is the Chairman and CEO of ZKM | Center for Art and Media Karlsruhe, director of the Peter Weibel Research Institute for Digital Cultures and professor emeritus of media theory at the University of Applied Arts Vienna.

Bruno Latour © Fidelis Fuchs

Bruno Latour

Bruno Latour (1947 – 2022) was a professor at Sciences Po Paris and director of the TARDE program. In addition to work in philosophy, history, sociology, and anthropology of science, he has collaborated on many studies in science policy and research management.


Mira Hirtz © Mira Hirtz | photo: Karolina Sobel

Mira Hirtz

Mira Hirtz is a performance artist, art mediator, and art theorist basing her work on somatic practices. She explores the value of creativity for human beings and non-human beings in many different formats such as workshops, performances, video pieces, and texts. She worked as an art mediator at documenta14, co-curated the program series “How do we care?” at Badischer Kunstverein 2020 and co-curator of the touring exhibition “Critical Zones”, initiated by the ZKM | Karlsruhe, the Goethe-Institut South Asia, and Bruno Latour.

Diana Mille © Diana Mille

Daria Mille

Daria Mille is currently a curator and research associate at the ZKM | Center Art and Media Karlsruhe, Germany. Her research interests focus especially on the topics related to the intersection of art, science and technology (also from a historical perspective), cultural and artistic implications of digitization, artistic positions of the 1960s, and the contemporary art. Most recently she has been a member of the curatorial committee of the “Critical Zones. Observatories for Earthly Politics” exhibition.

About the Project

Critical Zones. Observatories for Earthly Politics,  was conceived and exhibited at ZKM | Center for Art and Media Karlsruhe (2020–2022) based on a concept by Bruno Latour and Peter Weibel together with Martin Guinard, Bettina Korintenberg, and Daria Mille. For the Goethe-Institut South Asia, a travelling adaption of Critical Zones titled Critical Zones. In Search of a Common Ground is co-produced by the ZKM | Karlsruhe, and the Goethe-Institut/ Max Mueller Bhavan Mumbai. It shows a selection of artistic positions and is complemented by further works from Indian and Sri Lankan artists. Mira Hirtz and Daria Mille are the curators of the exhibition at Goethe-Institut / Max Mueller Bhavan Mumbai.



Contact Us

If you have any questions, or want more information about our projects, write to us at Amruta.Nemivant@goethe.de
