Jyothidas KV
Five Million Incidents

About the Actant

Jyothidas KV © Jyothidas KV
© Jyothidas KV
Jyothidas is a visual artist and researcher. He is a trained printmaker whose practice varies from drawing based installations, prints to performances. He has a keen interest in graphic narratives and political cartooning. His works deal with fictional mutations of bodies under neoliberalism and the performances attempt to locate random acts of belonging. He researches the history of modernist printmaking in India and is a founding member of Mo’Halla, an art+culture+politics platform with a special focus on South Asia, based in Berlin and New Delhi. He is part of CORRIDOR, an international network of artists, interested in gated communities and the transformations at the edges of neoliberal cities.

Can you feel the bubble © Jyothidas KV
© Jyothidas KV
is intended as a series of actions to explore the metaphorical and thus political possibilities of the phenomenon of fermentation. The project will try to project the act of coming together of people, to react to each other in the presence of ideas floating in the air, as an event of fermentation. The action of installing and maintaining the Fermentation Chamber will run for five days. Each day will have an evening Sedimentation Session, where the actions, and actors will come together to churn out ideas and thoughts, agitate the chamber, before it is left idle for the unseen beings to continue their magic. The crawl up to the Fermentation Chamber will happen over the summer, on sunny rooftops, inside forests, on chairs in Delhi, in the dark corners of houses and kitchens spread across various parts of the country. The project will commission pickles, poems, posters, papers, performances etc.
