Manmeet Devgun
Five Million Incidents

About the Actant

Manmeet Devgun © Manmeet Devgun
© Manmeet Devgun
Manmeet Devgun is a Delhi-based performance and lens artist. Her work as a performance artist is closely linked to her own life and situations, often foregrounding key feminist concerns. She has performed as part of Khoj Live (2008); Regional Arts and Performance Events (R.A.P.E.) Guwahati, (2012); KNMA, (2012); School of Art and Aesthetics, JNU, (2013); Live Art Lab, Bangalore, (2014); Illicit Bodies, Bengluru, (2014); Der Langest Tag, Zurich (2015). She was shortlisted for the prestigious Skoda Prize (2012). She is the recipient of Pro Helvetia Research Residency (2015). She is a trial poet, school teacher and a single mother, surviving the everyday war zone. She loves to day dream and dance. And she lives her life on her own terms.

The Mother's Room © Manmeet Devgun
© Manmeet Devgun
Create a listening room of gathered moments, objects and revisited incidents. Voices of mothers, women and children. Surrounded by memories, creating an evening of rendezvouses. It is an attempt to forge connections, create a space of understanding, knowing and sharing. The project involves single mothers meeting and creating a Listening Room/A living space, which could be a collage made from the collected documentation of videos, sounds and portraits. To try and create a replica of a home space/ studio space, where art meets life or life meets art. With hanging conversations between images, objects, portraits, children and people. Also a play area for kids. Just an ordinary day with an ordinary sense of life. To inhabit a space among inhabiting voices. To come together and work collectively. 

  • The Mother's Room 1 © Annette Jacob © Annette Jacob

  • The Mother's Room 2 © Annette Jacob © Annette Jacob

  • The Mother's Room 3 © Annette Jacob © Annette Jacob

  • The Mother's Room 4 © Annette Jacob © Annette Jacob

  • The Mother's Room 5 © Annette Jacob © Annette Jacob

  • The Mother's Room 6 © Annette Jacob © Annette Jacob
