About Graphic Travelogues #Murals

 © Dominik Wendland

Graphic Travelogues (GT) focuses on the depiction of travels in comics and graphic novels. The aim of the project is to give an eye-catching and attractive stage to the mentioned art forms. Since 2019,we have been working with artists from across the globe to create a digital platform dedicated to comics, focusing on the subject of travel.
GT #Murals is another step to continue to reach our goal. It is a project by Goethe-Institut / Max Mueller Bhavan New Delhi in partnership with the St-art India Foundation that seeks to capture, document, explore and encourage interactions between artists, while presenting their work in a public and safe space. Creating a mural together with our artists will not only introduce a new dimension to the project but also allow us increase visibility, while exploring a new form of art for Graphic Travelogues. This gives us the opportunity to present and discover new and established artists on a larger scale and to a wider audience.

Taking this journey to another dimension we have invited one German and one Indian artist to collaboratively work on two murals – one in Chennai and one in Delhi, India.

Our two artists – Greta von Richthofen and Aashti Miller – will be encouraged to work on thought-provoking ideas about the meaning of travelling from a broad lens. Spiritual, time, space travel, post-pandemic travel. How can an inward or outward journey become an image for storytelling on the large canvas of a wall? From the southern city of Chennai to the northern capital city of New Delhi and through this cross-cultural collaboration, how does one create a journey of coexistence in diversity and exploration beyond borders?
