For Adventurers

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On the occasion of the 40th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between Israel and the former West Germany, a collection of comics reportage was published in 2005 in which three artists from Israel and three from Germany had recorded their personal impressions of each other’s country in the form of a graphic novel. One of the artists was Jan Feindt, an illustrator from Berlin.

Extracts from "Roadmap":

  • Jan Feindt: Roadmap © Jan Feindt (Detail)

    Jan Feindt: Roadmap

  • Jan Feindt: Roadmap © Jan Feindt (Detail)

  • Jan Feindt: Roadmap © Jan Feindt (Detail)

  • Jan Feindt: Roadmap © Jan Feindt (Detail)

  • Jan Feindt: Roadmap © Jan Feindt (Detail)

  • Jan Feindt: Roadmap © Jan Feindt (Detail)

About the Artist Jan Feindt:

Jan Feindt’s work for the book ‘Cargo: Comic Journalism Israel–Germany’ in 2005 marked his debut in the area of comics journalism.

Travelpedia: Israel

  • Jan Feindt: Roadmap © Jan Feindt (Detail)

    Israel is the country of circumcision. 98 percent of Jews and almost all Muslims are circumcised, Jewish children almost always on the eighth day, most Muslims on the seventh.

  • Jan Feindt: Roadmap © Jan Feindt (Detail)

    Pessach (also called Passcha or Passa festival) is one of the high feasts in the Jewish calendar. The festival, which lasts several days, commemorates the liberation of the people of Israel from Egyptian slavery.

  • Jan Feindt: Roadmap © Jan Feindt (Detail)

    The port of Haifa is a natural deep-water port in the Israeli city of Haifa, which is served by passenger and cargo ships all year round. It is the largest international seaport in Israel.

Jens Wiesner in conversation on "Roadmap"

Your illustrations seem very realistic, almost documentary. Have you worked a great deal with the photographs taken on location or is it simply a particularly good memory?"


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