... answers
For me, the difference between travel photography and travel drawing is...
"... lies in the attention you pay. You need to study a building, a fountain or a human being carefully before you can draw them. Spend more time than usual. This close study enables me to notice several details, internalize the moment better – meditation, in principle. However, I also enjoy taking photographs."
When I draw...
"... I listen to podcasts and audio books."
Inspirations on my ‘travels’ have been, above all...
"... freedom, adventure and beauty. These are always easier to notice when travelling."
I would still like to...
"... see the pandemic come to an end, borders re-open. That one can travel again and have no fear of crowds."
My reading for my next trip will include...
"... I’ll take nothing with me. I go to a bookstore in an unknown city and buy new books there. That’s more exciting."