Leonard Ermel

Leonard Ermel ©   Leonard Ermel
Leonard Ermel, born in Berlin in 1990, studied visual communication at the Weißensee Academy of Art Berlin. In 2014, he completed an Erasmus semester at the Ecole supérieure des Arts Saint-Luc in Brussels. Ermel was awarded the Mart Stam Prize in 2016 for his video installation Lookworthies (Blickwürdigkeiten). His VR installation Inner Space: A Journey into the Deep Sea was exhibited at several media and animation film festivals. Leonard Ermel works in Berlin as a freelance illustrator and animator.

... answers

For me, the difference between travel photography and travel drawing is...
"... above all, the process of creating the work. When you draw, you spend more time and energy engaging with the motive than you do when taking a photograph. You absorb the mood of the place indirectly, and conversations you have listened in on, sounds, smells or even your own thoughts can flow into the drawing. A photograph can’t do this."

When I draw...
"... I usually feel secure. In an unfamiliar place where I don’t feel quite at home, when I sit down and start to draw, the familiar situation of having my sheet of paper in front of me and my pencil in my hand soon gives me a sense of comfort. At the same time, this helps me get to know my surroundings better."

Inspirations on my ‘travels’ have been, above all...
"… more the small, inconspicuous details. Not necessarily what seems interesting at first glance."

I would like to...
"... go on a research ship and document the work with illustrations."

My reading for my next trip will include...
"… whatever interests me at that moment."

... surf further

... at Graphic Travelogues

