Fiction | Fiction

Wolfgang Hilbig

“I” introduces us to W., a mere hanger-on in East Berlin’s postmodern underground literary scene. All is not as it appears, though, as W. is actually a Stasi informant who reports to the mercurial David Bowie look-alike Major Feuerbach. But are political secrets all that W. is seeking in the underground labyrinth of Berlin? In fact, what he really desires are his own lost memories, the self undone by surveillance: his "I".

“I” is a black comedy about state power and the seductions of surveillance. Its penetrating vision seems especially relevant today in our world of cameras on every train, bus and corner.

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Engl. (Ind.)

Wolfgang Hilbig
Translation: Isabel Fargo Cole
Kalkutta, Seagull Books 2019
392 pages

German original title


Wolfgang Hilbig

Frankfurt am Main, S. Fischer Verlage 1993
400 pages


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