Friedrich Ani

Foto (Ausschnitt): picture alliance / rtn - radio tele nord | rtn, patrick becher

(born 07.01.1959 in Kochel am See), author, screenwriter

Friedrich Ani worked as a radio author and police reporter, and he also attended the screenwriting workshop at the University for Television and Film Munich. His book of poetry Wer die Dunkelheit entfacht (Who Kindles the Darkness) was published in 1981, a collection of stories entitled Die ganze Nacht und morgen (All night and tomorrow) in 1994, and his debut novel Das geliebte, süße Leben (The beloved. sweet life) in 1996. That year he began to specialise in crime novels. He is the author of numerous scripts for TV crime thrillers as well as several successful award-winning crime series, including the stories of detectives Tabor Süden, Polonius Fischer, Jonas Vogel and Jakob Franck. He has received prizes including the German Crime Fiction Award, which he won multiple times, the Adolf Grimm Prize and the Bavarian TV Award. Friedrich Ani lives in Munich.

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