Christoph Ransmayr

Photo (detail): dpa

(born 20 March 1954 in Wels, Upper Austria); writer

After studying Philosophy and Ethnology in Vienna, Christoph Ransmayr worked as a writer and editor for various journals. His first novel – Die Schrecken des Eises und der Finsternis (The Terrors of Ice and Darkness) – was published in 1984. For this book and subsequent works Ransmayr won several prestigious national and international literary awards, including the Literature Award of the Bavarian Academy of Fine Arts (1992); the Solothurn literary award (1997); the Austrian Prize for Literature (2004); the Prix du Meilleur livre étranger (2015) and the Kleist Prize (2018). After spending several years travelling around the world, Christoph Ransmayr has returned to Vienna where he now lives.

Wikipedia Christoph Ransmayr

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