Silke Scheuermann

Photo (detail): picture alliance

(born 15 June 1973 in Karlsruhe, Germany); writer

Silke Scheuermann studied drama and literature in Frankfurt and Leipzig in Germany and in Paris, France. She made her debut with a volume of poetry – Der Tag an dem die Möwen zweistimmig sangen (The Day when the Seagulls Sang in Two Parts) – which appeared in 2001. Her first novel – Die Stunde zwischen Hund und Wolf (The Hour Between Dog and Wolf) – was published in 2007. Scheuermann has authored several poetry collections, a children’s book, and other novels. She was awarded the Hölty Prize (an award for poetry in German) in 2014, and has also won several scholarships and other awards, including the Bertolt Brecht Literature Prize. Silke Scheuermann lives in Offenbach am Main, Germany.

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